McCabe Youth
Celebrate Together | Endure Together
Thank-you for visiting the McCabe Youth page. You find will information on upcoming events below, along with information about each of our youth programs.
For a more detailed insight into McCabe Youth you are welcome to view our welcome booklet.
Click here for specific dates & times for these events.
As of now it looks like our mission team will be heading to Lake Traverse, SD with YouthWorks. We are waiting to get an estimate on numbers before we confirm with YouthWorks. So, please sign-up using the link below. We would appreciate your prayers over our youth as they take a big step, live into the brave by trying something new and different.
If you would like to learn more information & sign-up please use this link – Youth Mission Team Info
Mid-Week @ McCabe | 5:15-7:45pm
5:15-5:40 Connect Time
5:40-6:00 Meal
6:00-6:20 Worship
6:20-7:45 Youth Group
What should I expect?
Games, challenges, discussions, lessons, small groups, service projects, outings, retreats & other events.
Sunday | 9:30am
Join us on Sunday’s at 9:30am.
Students will take time to read, study & discuss scripture.
We gather after the children’s message in the Youth Coordinator’s office or The Wesley Room in the lower education wing.
It is our desire to support students in their spiritual walk with God through discipleship & confirmation. Confirmation is an important aspect of one’s discipleship journey.
Confirmation classes are for teens who are discerning confirmation and have completed at least one year of youth group.
For more details please view the confirmation handout and/or reach out to Michelle Kroger, McCabe Youth Coordinator.
Contact McCabe Youth Coordinator
Name: Michelle Kroger
Phone: (701) 255-1160
McCabe Youth Ministry Team
Youth Scripture Study & Wednesday Youth: Tyler Hall
Wednesday Youth: Kris Cleary, Beth Steckler & Pastor Karl Kroger
Friday Night Gathering: Gloria Knoll & Eric Rock